Adrian's Auto Parts: Advice and Information

3 Noises That Tell You Your Power Steering Gear Pump Has a Problem

Your car's hydraulic power steering helps you steer. Like any mechanical system, its parts can get damaged or break down. While you often first notice a problem because your steering stops working correctly, you might get other signs that all is not well. For example, you might hear unusual noises that tell you that the system's pump is failing.

Which noises might you hear in this scenario?

1. Squealing Noises

Some steering pump problems tend to happen at certain times when you drive or make specific manoeuvres. For example, you might hear squeals coming from the front of your vehicle whenever you start it up. While this noise initially dies away, it might start appearing at different times if you don't have the problem sorted. For example, you might ultimately hear the noise when you make turns as well.

Squealing sounds are sometimes just an indication that your steering system's pump has moved its belt out of place. However, they can be an early warning that the pump itself is about to break down.

2. Whining Noises

If your power steering gear pump isn't working right, then you might hear a whining sound. This is sometimes also accompanied by a kind of whirring or humming noise. You'll usually hear these noises whenever you turn your steering wheel. They are sometimes a sign that your system's fluid levels are low. This problem could be due to a leak in the pump.

If your fluid is low or leaking, then you'll probably also start to notice changes in the way your steering wheel works. It might not be as responsive as usual and will feel sluggish. However, if your fluid levels are OK, then the whining sounds might come from air that has got stuck in the pump and its lines. As the pump works, the air bubbles create sounds in the system are they are pushed through.

3. Groaning Noises

If you hear groaning sounds when you make a turn or decelerate, then your steering pump has a more significant problem. If the pump is groaning, then it could be at risk of failing pretty quickly. Typically, you'll hear groans if the fluid in the steering system has run really low for a longer time. You'll probably see or hear other signs of problems before your car starts making these noises. Once it does start to groan, these noises will usually just get worse.

If you hear any of these noises, then take your car to a hydraulic power steering gear repair specialist. They can diagnose the problem with your pump and fix or replace it. Contact a hydraulic power steering gear repair service for more information.