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5 Signs You Might Be Driving With a Worn Camshaft

Camshafts are rods that run through your engine and connect to different parts, such as belts, chains and gears. A camshaft is designed to open and close valves during the normal combustion process that runs your vehicle, but they can wear out over time. When this happens, you'll want to have the camshaft replaced as soon as possible.

With that in mind, here are just five common signs you might have a worn camshaft.

1. Engine Noises

There are several reasons why you might start to hear unusual sounds coming from your engine while driving, including a worn camshaft. When the camshaft is to blame, you're likely to hear loud ticking or tapping noises coming from the upper section of your car's engine. This happens when camshaft lobes wear down and prevent valves from closing properly, which makes them noisier.

2. Misfires

Misfires occur when a spark plug does not ignite the air-fuel mixture in one of your engine's cylinders. This often happens due to worn camshafts since the valves they control won't open and close in time. The air-fuel mixture will therefore not ignite properly or not ignite at all. Signs of misfiring include shaking during acceleration and poor performance.

3. Decreasing Fuel Efficiency

When a camshaft becomes worn, some of the fuel that is injected into engine cylinders will not combust properly. This means your vehicle will be forced to consume more fuel in order to compensate. As such, you may find yourself stopping off for fuel more often than you did before. There are several other reasons why your vehicle might start burning more fuel, but all demand the attention of a mechanic.

4. Backfiring

While misfires occur when the air-fuel mixture doesn't ignite, backfires occur when it happens too late. This means combustion happens in the exhaust system, which produces a loud bang and sometimes even results in flames momentarily shooting from the exhaust tip. A worn camshaft often leads to backfires since a valve that doesn't close in time may not keep the mixture in the cylinder as it combusts.

5. Worse Emissions

As described above, a worn camshaft prevents an engine's combustion process from happening smoothly. As well as causing backfires, misfires and other issues, this tends to mean your vehicle will start producing worse emissions from its exhaust. If you find your vehicle is producing more emissions or darker emissions, a worn camshaft could be to blame.

Contact a local mechanic to learn more about car spare parts, including Toyota spare parts.